
Welcome! Are you looking for a way to get more connected? We are a Christ-centered community, building a healthy body of believers, committed to reaching our city, state, and world.

Purpose Statement

Our purpose is to reflect and reveal God's character, qualities, and ways through who we are in Christ and how we live our lives in the world.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to reach and build people up into fully committed followers of Christ, equipping them to reach. serve and disciple others.

Vision Statement

To be a maturing and multyplying spiritual lighthouse where people find refuge in Christ. He becomes their first love and strong tower, and they become the salt and light of the world.

Because of our passion for God, and our compassion for people, we at Lifegate Community Church hold to these Core Ministry Values.

  1. We value learning, communicating and holding steadfastly to the truth of God's Word while applying it in culturally relevant ways to our contemporary lives and society.
  1. We value Spirit-led and Spirit-filled prayer (both personal and corporate) that affirms our absolute need and desire for God and that asks Him: to set His Name apart above all other names, rulers, and authorities in the earth; to bring His system of rule, authority, and power into our lives and into the world; to reveal and produce His will in us and through us in order to fulfill His sovereign plans in the earth; to provide for our needs; to forgive and cleanse us from sin; to heal us and transform our lives into the image of Christ; to move and work in the lives and circumstances of people; to liberate us from and empower us to overcome spiritual forces of darkness that tempt and oppress us; and most of all – to bring glory to Himself.
  1. We value inspired, authentic, responsive, and culturally relevant worship: that exalts the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; that emphasizes God’s great worth and infinite value; that expresses our commitment and devotion to Him; that enables us to experience true intimacy with Him; and above of all – that pleases Him.
  1. We value praying for, spending time with, listening to, encouraging, serving, helping meet the needs of, and sharing the message of Jesus Christ with people not connected to Christ in an effort to help lead them in becoming fully committed followers of Christ. (Evangelism)
  1. We value regularly connecting with other followers of Christ in life groups: to worship God;  to learn and apply His Word in our lives; to support and build one another up through fellowship, prayer, listening and encouragement; and to pray for and help people connect to Christ who do not have a relationship with Him. In addition to connecting in life groups, we value connecting together corporately as a church family for worship, prayer, learning, serving, encouragement, helping meet people's needs, fun and fellowship, outreach, and helping people connect with Christ and His body. (Biblical Community)
  1. We value helping people experience spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, relational, and financial wholeness so they are empowered to fulfill the purpose and destiny God has planned for their lives. (Health and Healing)
  1. We value living and modeling the lifestyle of fully committed followers of Christ and then leading, teaching, and equipping others to be mature followers of Christ. (Discipleship)
  1. We value helping followers of Christ discover and understand how God has uniquely designed them to serve Him, training and helping them become involved in ministry, and equipping those God has called to godly servant leadership to serve the body of Christ according to God’s set timing and plan for each leader’s life.
    (Ministry and Leadership Development)
  1. We value the multiplication of people and leaders within the body of Christ, while balancing this with the continuous building and strengthening of each individual’s relationship with Christ, so that increasing numbers of people will become mature followers of Christ. (Numerical and Spiritual Growth)
  1. We value authentic and humble service, modeled after Christ’s example, in all areas of ministry and leadership.
  1. We value sustained excellence in all aspects of ministry and leadership, which involves engaging in prayerful planning, making purposeful decisions, working diligently, taking measured risks, and making necessary changes that empower Lifegate Community Church to accomplish our God-given mission.
  1. We value balance and order in how we function as a church, while walking in unity of heart, mission and purpose as we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in fulfilling our God-given vision.